What is Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)?
A process for predicting and assessing the potential environmental and social impacts of a proposed project, evaluating alternatives and designing appropriate mitigation, management and monitoring measures.
Why Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is important?
The goal of impact assessment is to bring about a more ecologically, socio-culturally and economically sustainable and equitable environment. Impact assessment, therefore, promotes community development and empowerment, builds capacity, and develops social capital (social networks and trust).
Benefits of Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
Improve project design/siting
More environmentally sensitive decision-making
Increase accountability and transparency during the development process
Improve integration of projects in their environmental and social setting
Reduce environmental damage
More effective projects in terms of meeting their financial and/or socioeconomic objectives
Positive contributions towards achieving sustainability
Our Services
ESIA report contains all the necessary documents, planning, monitoring, mitigation and other necessary information.